I climbed up the mast to try to fix the genoa furler I found jammed in Bermuda. It appears something, maybe the spinnaker halyard, had jammed and kept it from turning, when it was rolled in. The result was the bit that holds the top of the sail dented the slot that carries the sail. That kept it from sliding down the foil. Once I figured out what was wrong it was easy to un-jam. Problem is, when mounted I’d have to be at the top of the mast to do it! I think it’s an anomaly, but I’m not finished checking it out.
Anyway, got a nice view, and a chance to work on it. Later I cleaned it up and reassembled it, plus sewed up the chafing on the genoa sail. The mountain in the last picture is the volcano on Pico, 4 miles E of Faial. It’s supposed to be beautiful.