Heading east now. Winds are pretty funky. Mostly light and variable. Sometimes up around 15 kts so we make decent speed. Wind will be clocking.
Simon is on watch now. He has his own boat in Denmark and loves sailing. He just adjusted sails and course and I can hear the water sliding by the hull. Sounds like about 5-6 kts. Wind has picked up. Good to hear. Just hope we are going a good direction!
Good to have another sailor aboard trying different sails and course. Also I get to learn a little of how it’s done in Denmark.
We average about 1 flying fish a night. Not enough to bother cleaning to eat. Can’t fish due to towing gen.
Good news: when we ran the engine today the regulator worked fine. Either I cleaned a bad connection, or the batteries were fully charged and the regulator shut itself down. It’s getting cooler too. Blankets sleeping at night, rarely running fans and need long pants and jacket at night on watch.
300nm over the last 3 days. Winds expected contrary next few, so we’ll fall behind a bit. Good thing we are not on a tight schedule. Passed a 500 ft. freighter last night. “Not Under Command” according to AIS, and moving 1.8 kts. I think the current was moving about that fast so it may have been dead in the water.
Seem to be seeing about 2 ships per day, one bound for Falmouth, England.
That’s one possible landfall for me. Funny to see them cruising by and feel like I’m standing still, but would not trade places!
Lat 35.366298 Lon -59.463007